We? is a messy assemblage about the collective wonderings over the duration of the 7-month Postnatural Inderperndent Program.
By critically leaving behind the representational distance between “us” and “them”, “here” and “there”, and “knowledge” and “superstition”, to name just a few of the dichotomies cultivated by Western traditional art and philosophy academies, we forge a necessary and immediate relation to the world. But who is “we”? And how can “we” stay together, despite our differences? How can “we” create collectivity without sameness, and bypass the pull towards homogeneity?
This book is a reflection, reverberation and resonance of our 7 months together
PIP Faculty:
Karen Barad
Claire Colebrook
Lorenzo Sandoval
Cary Wolfe
Institute of Queer Ecology
Filipa Ramos
Gesyada Siregar
Paloma Contreras
Báyò Akómoláfé
Stacy Alaimo
Mary Maggic
Uriel Fogué
Yuri Tuma
Clara Benito
Gabriel Alonso
Editorial Assistants:
Pablo Ferreira Navone
Karol Muñozcano
Editorial design:
Matteo Guarnaccia
This book is a reflection, reverberation and resonance of our 7 months together
PIP Faculty:
Karen Barad
Claire Colebrook
Lorenzo Sandoval
Cary Wolfe
Institute of Queer Ecology
Filipa Ramos
Gesyada Siregar
Paloma Contreras
Báyò Akómoláfé
Stacy Alaimo
Mary Maggic
Uriel Fogué
Yuri Tuma
Clara Benito
Gabriel Alonso
Editorial Assistants:
Pablo Ferreira Navone
Karol Muñozcano
Editorial design:
Matteo Guarnaccia
Research contributors
The Institute for Postnatural Studies
2023 PIP participants:
Adriana Gallo
Aliaskar Abarkas
Ama Josephine Budge Johnstone
Ana Roman
Ana Rosela del Bosque
Andrea Lumplecker
Ania Mokrzycka
Caroline Ward
Caterina Gobbi
Davide Marcianesi
Diogo da Cruz
Dominika Wasilewska
Felix Bell
Hannah Hallam-Eames
Ishita Jain
Korallia Stergides
Kosmas Phan Dinh
Lindertje Mans
Lisa Mazenauer
Lissy Willberg
Madison Bycroft
Maite Rodríguez
Matheline Marmy
Natália Trejbalová
Noa Jansma
Raju Rage
Sai Di
Sara Bonaventura
Sol Archer
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